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Creminelli Tartufo Salami

$23.00 / 5.5 oz Packprice is $23.00 by 5.5 oz Pack
creminelli tartufo salami meats
Creminelli Tartufo Salami
  • Age: 21 days
  • Pork
  • by Creminelli Fine Meats
  • United States

“Tartufo” means truffle in Italian, and this rich pork salami is packed with serious truffle flavor. Creminelli Tartufo Salami is a juicy, bold meat that’s infused with black summer truffles to give it an intensely aromatic profile and luxurious blend of savory, earthy, and mushroom flavors. Pair it with an equally juicy red wine and assertive cheeses like Murray’s Cave Aged Reserve Greensward or Cypress Grove Truffle Tremor.

“This salami is the ultimate treat! The perfect amount of truffle and always moist and succulent. An absolute must-have on an Italian-inspired grazing board. Lean into the truffle flavor and wrap a slice around a piece of Pecorino Tartufello and drizzle some Trufflin® Black Truffle Honey on top. Or balance things out with a piece of creamy Casatica di Bufala and sweet pepper jelly.”
Murray’s National Team – Des Moines, IA
Pork, Sea Salt, Natural Flavors (Celery Powder), Organic Spices, Sugars, Black Truffle (.05%), Organic Garlic, Starter Cultures (In Collagen Casing)
  • For the Creminelli Tartufo Salami, Cristiano adds black summer truffles, which bring an earthy delicacy to the all-natural pork and Felino spice blend.
  • Creminelli uses natural celery powder rather than artificial nitrates for meat preservation.
  • The strong umami notes in this salami are delicious when it’s diced up in an omelet, paired with a salty pecorino, or as a layer in a goat cheese and arugula sandwich.
  •  Co-founder Cristiano Creminelli solidified his passion for salumi at the Creminelli family salumificio in Biella, Italy. The family has been recognized by Italy’s cultural ministry as Artisans of Excellence.
  • In 2006, Cristiano connected with partners Chris Bowler and Jared Lynch to bring this Italian tradition to the United States, opening Creminelli Fine Meats in Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Creminelli partners with farms that are dedicated to the humane treatment of animals.
  • Their products are made with 100% U.S. heritage pork that gets ground with unique spice blends, slow-fermented at low temperatures, and aged for up to 20 weeks.