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Barn First Creamery Quinby

$13.00 / 5 oz Wheelprice is $13.00 by 5 oz Wheel
barn first creamery quinby cheese
Barn First Creamery Quinby
  • Pasteurized
  • Animal Rennet
  • Age: 3-5 Weeks
  • Goat Milk
  • by Barn First Creamery
  • United States
  • Approachable
  • Soft

Merlin Backus and Rebecca Velazquez of Barn First Creamery (along with their 50-or-so goats!) are the producers behind Quinby, a deliciously pudgy Brie-style goat’s milk cheese. Notes of fresh milk mingle with a light mineral essence and that distinct goaty tang. It’s mild and sweet. Velazquez produces cheeses she herself would love to eat, and this one’s a bloomy crowd-pleaser. Serve it with a sampling of Sidehill Farm Blackberry Jam for a sweet complement to all that creaminess.

“Regarded as slightly tangy with a creamy texture, the entire cheese is edible including the rind. Pair off with Murray’s Strawberry Rhubarb Preserves or Virginia Chutney Company Mango Chutney.”
Murray’s Retail – New York, NY
Goat's Milk, Salt, Rennet, Cultures, Molds

Allergens: Milk

  • Barn First Creamery’s Quinby is a bloomy rind cheese just like Brie and Camembert. A rind is considered bloomy when it has that white, pillowy appearance (which develops as a result of a combination of molds).
  • Quinby is a seasonal cheese; it’s only made from April to December.
  • The goats are pastured whenever the weather permits.
  •  Merlin Backus and Rebecca Velazquez started Barn First Creamery in 2013 with two goats but have since grown the business into a farmstead goat microdairy with dozens of animals.
  • All of the creamery's cheeses, ranging from washed-rind to blue, are made with milk from their own goats, which are milked seasonally.
  • In a nod to the family business, the names of Barn First Creamery's cheeses come from various maiden names in Merlin and Rebecca's families.
Family Owned